How do I report an unauthorized transaction?

Coinbase is a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency. If you've recently noticed unauthorized activity from Coinbase on your bank statement, please follow the below steps immediately to report this to Coinbase.

To report an unauthorized transaction:

  1. Go to

  2. Click "I don't recognize the charge and have never heard of Coinbase" 

    • The box will expand with some help text. We recommend you follow these tips to guard against future unauthorized transactions.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the reporting box


4. Fill in the requested information and click the "Report This Transaction" button

 How do I find the payment code?

  • Go to your bank account transaction history online or view your accounts paper statement 

  • Find the unauthorized charge from Coinbase, which should look like the below example:

    • COINBASE.COM/BTC 8889087930 0JK873000043

  • The second grouping of numbers will be the 8-digit payment code you need to use to report.

    • You can ignore the first set of numbers beginning with "888."

    • Note: Your payment code will be different than the above example

Tip: This information may not be shown to you on your bank's mobile app. Try logging in to your bank account using a desktop computer, refer to your paper statement, or contact a representative of your bank to find the payment code.

How do I guard against this happening again?

  • Consider changing the password on your email and bank account(s), and enabling 2 factor authentication.

  • Never give out any passwords or personal information.