Coinbase Wallet

How do I send and receive crypto?

All Coinbase Wallet transactions are processed on the blockchain which means senders will be charged a miner fee.

Sending and receiving unsupported assets through Wallet can cause you to lose them. Find out which assets are supported.

Be sure you're using your unique QR code for the correct coin to avoid any issues receiving your funds. 

Receiving crypto

You can generate a unique address (QR code) from your Wallet to ensure the correct address. To receive supported crypto or digital assets:

  1. Open the Coinbase Wallet app.

  2. Tap Receive.

  3. Tap Share address to share unique QR code with the sender, or you can also select Username to share your username instead.

Sending crypto

Send supported crypto right from your Wallet to another Coinbase Wallet user. Learn how to transfer funds between your account and your Wallet.

To safeguard against sending funds to an incorrect address, we suggest asking the receiver for their unique QR code. Note that you can send supported assets using a cryptocurrency address, Coinbase Wallet username, or ENS (Ethereum Name Service for ETH/ERC-20).

  1. Open the Migrated from, updated at Mon Apr 11 2022 12:52:36 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) Coinbase Wallet app.

  2. Tap Send.

  3. Enter the amount you'd like to send and select the asset you'd like to use.

  4. Tap Next.

  5. Tap the Migrated from, updated at Mon Apr 11 2022 12:52:36 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) QR code or enter the exact recipient address.

  1. Select the asset from the Wallet extension. 

  2. Enter the amount you'd like to send.

  3. Enter the recipient's information.

  4. Click Send

If you use a Ledger wallet on the Coinbase Wallet extension, you’ll need to sign/approve the transaction on your Ledger device. Make sure “blind signing" is enabled on the device—blind signing is required to sign/approve transactions. If you have issues completing transactions on your Ledger, see our troubleshooting and tips to fix the issue.

Network fees

Network fees, also known as miner fees, are paid to the miner for processing crypto transactions and securing the respective network—these fees do not go to Coinbase. If you’re sending an ERC-20 token, you'll need enough ETH in your wallet to pay a miner’s fee so that your transaction is processed and confirmed on the Ethereum blockchain. 

What's a “miner”?

A miner is an individual or entity that manages a node (or group of nodes) which are responsible for adding new transactions to blocks and verifying blocks created by other miners.