Pending vault withdrawals

For enhanced security, withdrawals from Coinbase vaults require approval from two or three linked email addresses, followed by a 48-hour waiting period. This article covers the statuses, approval process, and tips for email troubleshooting.  

Status explanations

  • Pending approval: Approvals are still needed from one or more of the email addresses. The 48-hour period starts after all approvals are complete.

  • Waiting to clear: All approvals are complete. The withdrawal will be processed after the 48-hour period.

Approval process

  • Each of the vault approvers receives an approval email. 

  • To approve a withdrawal, select the Approve withdrawal link from the email. 

  • For vaults with two or three approvers, at least two approvals are required.

  • For vaults with five approvers, at least three approvals are required.

Email troubleshooting

  • If you forgot which email account is linked, there’s a redacted version under Vault details.

  • If you don't receive the emails within 10 minutes:

    • Check spam, junk, or trash folders.

    • Whitelist the "" domain.

    • Disable safelinks if using Hotmail or Outlook.

  • If you don’t receive the email or accidentally delete it, cancel the withdrawal and start a new one. This invalidates previous approvals and links. Follow the steps again for both email approvals.

If you've lost access to any of the email accounts, please contact us for further assistance.