Multiple portfolios allow you to create a separate environment for different types of trades. This helps you manage funds and try new trading strategies. You can create and manage API keys for each portfolio.
To start, go to the Portfolio page on Coinbase Advanced and select Create portfolio. You can create up to 25 portfolios. (Note: This feature is currently only available on web, not on the mobile app.)
Volume-based pricing applies, which is determined at the account level. All trading contributes to your 30-day volume. You can transfer funds between portfolios instantly and for free.
Fund your portfolio
You need to move funds from an existing portfolio or your Default portfolio to your new portfolio to start trading. At the moment, you can't fund portfolios directly.
Availability of funds
When you move funds into portfolios, you can only trade them on Coinbase Advanced. To access the funds in Simple mode, move them back to your Default portfolio.
Send or withdraw funds from your portfolio
You need to move funds into your Default portfolio before you can send or withdraw them. You can't withdraw or send funds from Portfolios yet.
US Futures and Perpetual positions
US Futures positions aren’t currently supported in Portfolios and must stay in your Default portfolio. You can’t use USD held in portfolios for futures trading. To use this balance, move funds back into your Default portfolio.
Perpetual positions aren't currently supported in newly created portfolios and will remain in your existing Perpetuals portfolio.
When you transfer funds, your tax lots will be transferred using the method you've set in the tax center (e.g., HIFO, LIFO). Moving funds between portfolios doesn't have tax implications.