User roles and permissions
Coinbase Developer Platform offers three roles:
Owner: Can add Admin and User roles to the organization. An organization can only have one Owner.
Admin: For any team member who should have full privileges.
User: View-only accounts that are generally used by analysts or other team members who won’t need to make changes.
For detailed information on Roles and Permissions, sign in to your Developer Platform account and go to Access > Teams.
Add or remove users
Members of your team can be added to your organization to help with various service needs. You can send up to 100 invites to add members to your organization as needed. Every member you invite to your organization will receive an email to create their own Coinbase Developer Platform account using the email address that you used to invite them.
Add users to your organization
Sign in to your account on Coinbase Developer Platform.
Go to Access.
Select Teams.
Select Invite member.
We only support up to 100 invites per organization.
Enter the email address and select a role for the new organization member.
Select Add member.
If this email address is not already associated with a Developer Platform account, the recipient will receive an email to accept the invitation.
After following the email prompt, the new user will sign up for Coinbase Developer Platform and be associated with your organization.
Remove users from your organization
Sign in to your account on Coinbase Developer Platform.
Go to Access.
Select Teams.
Select the vertical dots next to the user in the Users table.
Select Delete user.
Switching between organizations
Sign in to your account on Coinbase Developer Platform.
In the top left, select an organization from the drop down. If you only belong to one organization, only one organization will be displayed.
Update a user’s role in your organization
Sign in to your account on Coinbase Developer Platform.
Go to Access.
Select Teams.
In the Organization members table, select the Action menu.
Update the role for the selected user.