
Depositing to Coinbase Exchange

It's important to confirm if your asset is supported prior to depositing funds from another exchange or external wallet. We suggest you do a test deposit for a small amount of crypto to ensure that the asset is supported and that the address is saved correctly.

To deposit funds on Coinbase Exchange:

  1. Sign in to Coinbase Exchange

  2. Click the Trade tab.

  3. Under Wallet Balance, click Deposit.

  4. Search for and select the asset you’d like to deposit.

  5. Click the deposit method you’d like to use.

  6. Review and select the appropriate destination address.

    • Confirm you’re depositing the correct asset into the correct address.

    • If you’re using multiple blockchain networks, select the supported network you’d like to use, then click “I Understand” to confirm the compatibility of the network. 

    • The ability to use multiple blockchain networks is gradually being rolled out and may not be available to you at this time. Thanks for your patience.

  7. Copy the wallet address.

    • If you’re transferring assets from another platform, you’ll initiate a withdrawal from that account and paste this address into the destination field.

You can view your completed deposits and withdrawals from the Portfolios tab. 


Assets deposited or withdrawn to the wrong address or unsupported network may be permanently lost. Coinbase cannot recover these assets or funds.

Smart contracts notice

Supported: ETH and ERC-20 deposits via Ethereum smart contracts.

Not supported: Solana and SPL smart contracts. Do not deposit tokens via Solana and SPL smart contracts.