
Account history and reports

Coinbase Exchange provides open and filled order history as well as deposit and withdrawal history. You can also generate and download statements for any of your crypto wallets.

Open and filled orders

To find your open and filled orders, navigate to Orders in the left sidebar of the screen. Here you can toggle between the Open and Filled tabs to view open and filled orders. 

Deposit and withdrawal history

If you're looking for your deposit and withdrawal history, navigate to Portfolios in the left sidebar of the screen and select a Portfolio. You can toggle between Deposits, Withdrawals, and Balances tabs.


  • Accounts Statements will show your order and transfer history

  • Fills Statements will show the detailed fills that make up larger orders

  • Balance Statements will show a snapshot of your balances at the requested time

Generating Statements

1. Sign in to your Coinbase Exchange profile

2. Select Statements in the left sidebar of the screen

3. Select Generate to the right of the screen

4. Choose Accounts or Fills or Balance

5. Fill out the information you'd like in the statement and select Generate Report