

Payments on the merchant dashboard

Supported cryptocurrencies for payments

We currently accept and support the following:

  • APECoin (APE)

  • Bitcoin (BTC)

  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

  • DAI*

  • DOGECoin (DOGE)

  • Ethereum (ETH)*

  • Litecoin (LTC)

  • Polygon (MATIC)

  • Shiba Inu (SHIB)

  • Tether (USDT)

  • USD Coin (USDC)*

  • Wrapped ETH (WETH)

All of these cryptocurrencies are available by default, and you can choose which ones you would like to accept under the Active Cryptocurrencies in your Settings.

* For ETH and ERC-20 tokens such as USDC and DAI, we only accept payments sent through the Ethereum Mainnet. Coinbase Commerce currently does not support payments sent through ETH-compatible Layer 2 Networks (such as Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Arbitrum) and we are unable to recover these funds. You can learn more about which assets we support and how to recover unsupported crypto here.

Note: Payments made with unsupported ERC-20 assets will be stuck in the forwarding smart contract and cannot be recovered.

How are my payments secured? 

For payments made with Ethereum-based digital assets, we enable cryptographically secured smart contracts to execute the transaction and then forward the accepted digital assets to your wallet address. Because the payment is attributed to the forwarding contract address and not your direct wallet address, this helps prevent third-party attackers from potentially targeting the wallet address where your funds are stored. Additionally, the forwarding smart contract will only process a transaction when a supported asset is detected, which prevents unsupported funds from being sent to your wallet address. 

A smart contract is an automated digital contract that executes the agreement between a buyer and seller and broadcasts the details to the blockchain. 


A chargeback is when a customer contacts their card issuer to request a refund. A merchant would not be alerted of the chargeback until the funds were already removed from their account. The chargeback process does not involve the merchant, and a merchant may spend significant time and resources attempting to dispute the chargeback once alerted. 

Because cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, your payments are protected from chargebacks. This also discourages chargeback fraud. If a customer wants a refund, they must contact you directly to complete this process. Learn more about refunds.

What is an overpaid payment? 

An overpayment indicates that we have detected an amount greater than we expected—the most common reason for this occurring is your customer’s wallet used a significantly different exchange rate than Coinbase Commerce.

If you click on the relevant payment on your merchant dashboard, you'll be able to see the overpayment amount, a button to resolve the payment failure and a button to email your customer (if you've requested the customer submit an email address). Depending on the amount of the overpayment, we recommend either marking the payment as resolved and processing the order, or requesting an address from your client to refund the excess amount in addition to marking it as resolved.

What is an underpaid payment?

An underpayment indicates that we have detected an amount less than what was requested—the most common reason for this occurring is your customer’s wallet used a significantly different exchange rate than Coinbase Commerce.

If you click on the relevant payment on your merchant dashboard, you'll be able to see the underpayment amount, a button to resolve the payment failure and a button to email your customer (if you have requested the customer submit an email address). Depending on the amount of the underpayment, we recommend either marking the payment as resolved and processing the order or requesting your customer send a second transaction for the remaining amount before marking the payment as resolved and processing the order.

What is a multiple payment?

Coinbase Commerce expects to see a single blockchain transaction for each order. If a payment is marked Multiple, it means we've detected more than one transaction for the order. Sometimes this can happen when your customer initially underpays an order and is attempting to top up the remaining balance.

If you click on the relevant payment on your merchant dashboard, you'll be able to see the total amount paid, a button to resolve the payment failure and a button to email your customer (if you've requested the customer submit an email address). Depending on the circumstance, we recommend either marking the payment as resolved and processing the order, or refunding the excess amount before marking the payment as resolved and processing the order. To refund the excess amount, ask your customer for a cryptocurrency address and then follow these instructions.

How do I reduce overpaid and underpaid payments?

Due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrency, the price of specific cryptos can change between the time a payment is initiated to the time the payment is received. This price change often delays or denies payments even when the price difference is minimal. If you add different exchange rates into the mix, prices can fluctuate even more.

Now as a merchant, you can set up Flexible payments to allow more payments to be approved with greater consistency.

Flexible payments allows you to set specific thresholds for payments that are slightly more or slightly less than the listed price. This prevents payments from getting flagged if they aren't the exact listed price for a good or service. 

As a merchant, you can set adjustable overpayment and underpayment thresholds that will accept a payment from a customer as long as the payment doesn't deviate outside of those thresholds. You decide the threshold and you decide if it's a number (absolute), percentage (relative), or both. If you choose to set up both, the payment will accept at the stricter threshold. 

You can read more on Flexible payments here.

How do I resolve a payment?

  1. From your Coinbase Commerce dashboard, navigate to the Payments tab.

  2. Select the payment that you'd like to resolve.

  3. Select Mark as resolved.

If you're interested in learning about refunds, you can check out this article.

Payments for customers

Why does my receipt say that I overpaid or underpaid an order? 

An overpayment or underpayment indicates that we have detected an amount greater or lesser than what we expected—the most common reason for this is your crypto wallet used a significantly different exchange rate than Coinbase Commerce.

Please reach out directly to the merchant to resolve this issue—the merchant may ask you to top up the missing amount in the case of an underpayment, refund you the excess amount in the case of an overpayment, or refund you completely and ask you to complete the checkout again. We recommend you include your receipt code to help the merchant track down your charge.

Why does my receipt say that I have made multiple payments? 

Coinbase Commerce expects to see a single blockchain transaction for each order. 

Please reach out directly to the merchant to resolve this issue—if the total payment amount is correct, the merchant is able to manually resolve this from their dashboard. We recommend you include your receipt code to help the merchant track down your charge.

Why does my receipt say that I have made a delayed payment?

Coinbase Commerce monitors payments to the blockchain address for 60 minutes. If we detect a payment outside of this window, it is marked as delayed.

Why is my invoice voided?

If you tried to make a payment and received a voided invoice message, then the merchant cancelled the payment request. If you still need to make a payment, the merchant will need to create a new invoice. 

Please reach out directly to the merchant to resolve this issue. 

I made a payment and then my invoice was voided

In the rare event that you make a payment at the same time a merchant voids your invoice, your payment will still successfully reach the destination address and be marked as delayed. In this scenario, the merchant is able to mark your payment as resolved and complete the transaction or issue a refund of your payment. 

Please contact the merchant directly to resolve this issue. The merchant is responsible for ensuring funds are returned to the correct destination address.

All transactions made with cryptocurrency are direct peer-to-peer payments from the customer to the merchant. This means that once a payment is sent, there is no way for Coinbase to reverse the transaction or reclaim funds on your behalf. As a result, we're unable to resolve any payment disputes as transactions on the blockchain are irreversible.

Why did I receive a “no payment detected” message?

Coinbase Commerce monitors payments to the blockchain address for 60 minutes. You will receive this warning when the payment window has closed. A payment made outside of this window will be marked as delayed. If you haven’t yet made a payment, you can select retry to refresh the exchange rates and make the payment.

If you did make a payment and received this message, please contact the merchant directly to resolve this issue.