Coinbase NFT

Verifying emails and protecting accounts

Warning: Coinbase will NEVER ask you for your Private Keys or Recovery Phrase. Do not share these with any person or site, or you could lose access to your wallet, or have your digital assets moved out of your wallet by an attacker. 

You only need your Private Keys or Recovery Phrase when you sign into your self-custody wallet for the first time on a new web browser or mobile app. You won't need to enter this information when signing in or completing transactions on any NFT marketplace.

Official Coinbase NFT emails will be sent from For information about NFT partnerships, please fill out this form and our business development team will be in touch.
To learn more about verifying emails from Coinbase, visit our help article - Is this email really from Coinbase?

NFT online communities are an exciting space in the world of crypto. With growing interest in the NFT space, new methods of phishing, fraud, and scams are also taking place. 

At Coinbase, the security of your profile and your assets is our top priority. However, safety and security is a shared responsibility, and protecting your private keys and recovery phrase should be your top priority when using your self-custody wallet anywhere. Note that all crypto wallets are self-custodied, meaning that you and only you hold the private keys and Recovery phrase. That means, if you lose the private keys and Recovery phrase, you lose access to your wallet.

We strongly encourage you to write down and store your Recovery phrase in a secure location and private location. If you’re a Coinbase Wallet user, you also have the option to store parts of your Recovery phrase in different online or offline locations to reduce the risk of all your data being exposed in the event of a security breach via encrypted Google Drive or iCloud.