To execute a transaction on the Onchain Wallet, please follow the steps below:
1. Complete Enrollment and Deposit Funds
Ensure you have completed the Onchain Wallet enrollment process and deposited funds into your wallet. Refer to the following articles for detailed instructions:
2. Log into the Prime Chrome Extension
Open the Prime Chrome Extension in your web browser.
Log in with your credentials.
3. Initiate Onchain Transaction
Ensure you have the Prime Chrome Extension installed.
You must hold one of the following roles to initiate: Administrator, Initiator, Authorized Signatory, or Full Trader.
Note: The user initiating the transaction does NOT need to be an Onchain Signer.
Select the desired action within the extension.
Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the transaction.

4. Interact with a dApp (if applicable)
To interact directly with an onchain app, skip step 4 and follow the instructions here.
5. Consensus Approval
After initiating the transaction, it must reach consensus.
Approval can be granted by users holding one of the following roles: Administrator, Approver, or Authorized Signatory.
To learn more about user permissions and editing consensus requirements (Policy Engine), refer to:
6. Finalize Transaction
Once the transaction has met consensus, an Onchain Signer needs to sign the transaction.
Use the Prime Approvals App to sign and broadcast the transaction onchain, thereby completing the requested action.