
Perform an Onchain Wallet transaction

To execute a transaction on the Onchain Wallet, please follow the steps below:

1. Complete Enrollment and Deposit Funds

Ensure you have completed the Onchain Wallet enrollment process and deposited funds into your wallet. Refer to the following articles for detailed instructions:

2. Log into the Prime Chrome Extension

  • Open the Prime Chrome Extension in your web browser.

  • Log in with your credentials.

3. Initiate Onchain Transaction

  • Ensure you have the Prime Chrome Extension installed.

  • You must hold one of the following roles to initiate: Administrator, Initiator, Authorized Signatory, or Full Trader.

Note: The user initiating the transaction does NOT need to be an Onchain Signer.

  • Select the desired action within the extension.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the transaction.

4. Interact with a dApp (if applicable)

  • To interact directly with an onchain app, skip step 4 and follow the instructions here.

5. Consensus Approval

  • After initiating the transaction, it must reach consensus.

  • Approval can be granted by users holding one of the following roles: Administrator, Approver, or Authorized Signatory.

To learn more about user permissions and editing consensus requirements (Policy Engine), refer to:

6. Finalize Transaction

  • Once the transaction has met consensus, an Onchain Signer needs to sign the transaction.

  • Use the Prime Approvals App to sign and broadcast the transaction onchain, thereby completing the requested action.