
Add team members on Coinbase Prime

Who can use this feature?

Who can use this feature?

  • You must have one of the following roles to add team members to your account: Team Manager or Administrator.

You can add new team members to your Coinbase Prime account anytime. It’s important to understand the roles and permissions available prior to adding a team member to your account.

  1. Sign in to Coinbase Prime.

  2. On the lower-left corner of the page, click Settings

  3. Click the Team Members tab

  4. Click Invite Member.

  5. Enter the team member’s email address

  6. Choose Access Level (Portfolio or Entity)

  7. Choose Roles & Permissions

  8. Check the box for Video Approver, if you’d like to allow the team member to confirm higher sensitivity actions through recorded video calls.

  9. Note: Video Approver is not available for Auditors or Team Managers.

  10. Click Initiate Invite.

  11. Confirm with YubiKey.

Note: It may take up to 3 business days for your team member to be added. This change will require either Entity or Portfolio policy approvals. Once they’re reached, the Prime Operations team will validate and process the request. This includes contacting you (the requester) to collect the new team member’s identification (valid passport or driver’s license) and/or YubiKey preferences. You can track the status under Pending Approvals in the Activity tab.