Order Fields and Filtering on the Trading Blotter
Description: The trading blotter includes customizable order fields and advanced filtering options. These features help you refine your view by adding relevant data fields or narrowing down results by order details, rolling time windows, or specific date ranges.
Order Fields
To customize the order fields displayed on your trading blotter:
View :
Click the Order Fields dropdown tab at the top of the blotter.
Each field includes a tooltip explaining how it is calculated.
Select a field from the dropdown. The field will disappear from the dropdown and appear as a new column on the blotter.
If the column is not visible, scroll horizontally to view it.
Hover over the column header of the field you wish to remove and click the X.
The field will return to the Order Fields dropdown.
Advanced Filtering
To refine your blotter view using advanced filters:
Click the filter icon located at the top-right corner of the blotter.
Search by Order ID:
Enter the Order ID in the search field.
Note: This will only search orders currently displayed on the blotter and will not include historical orders.
Filter by Rolling Time Window:
Select one of the predefined time options:
1H = Last 1 hour
12H = Last 12 hours
24H = Last 24 hours
7D = Last 7 days
30D = Last 30 days
Filter by Date/Time Range:
Enter a start date and time.
Enter an end date and time.
Click Apply.
Use the filtering criteria option to display orders based on:
Orders that start within the selected range.
Orders that are created within the selected range.
Note: Orders without a start time will default to their creation time.
Reset Filters:
Click the Reset Search/Filter button at the bottom of the blotter to clear all filters and return to the default view.
Order Aggregation on the Trading Blotter
Description: The trading blotter allows you to aggregate real-time metrics for orders in the same market. Select multiple orders, view the consolidated metrics, and copy them to your clipboard for further analysis.
Steps to Aggregate Orders
Select an Order:
Click an order on the blotter to highlight it. This sets the market for aggregation.
Multi-Select Orders:
Hold down the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows).
Select additional orders from the same market.
View Aggregate Totals:
At the bottom of the blotter, a summary row will display:
The total number of selected orders.
Aggregate values for applicable fields.
Columns with a dash (–) indicate fields that cannot be aggregated (e.g., Order ID).
Note: Aggregation nets buy and sell orders (e.g., buy orders increase totals, sell orders decrease totals).
Copy Aggregated Metrics:
Use the Actions column to copy all aggregated metrics. If the Actions column is not visible, scroll horizontally to view it.
Metrics will include the column header and currency.
Exit Aggregation Mode:
Click RESET in the Actions column of the aggregated row.
Press the Escape key.
Select an order from a different market.