Withdraw from your Portfolio page
Find the asset you want to withdraw and click Withdraw from the Actions column on the far right (if you can't take any actions, your user role doesn't have the permissions to perform those actions)
Click Withdraw to External Address or Transfer Funds Internally
For external withdrawals, continue to step 3
For internal transfers, click the link here: Internal transfer Help Center article
Choose the wallet you want to withdraw from
Choose the wallet you want to deposit funds to (if you have Trusted Address Protection enabled, you must choose an address from your address book)
Enter the amount of crypto you want to withdraw
Click Preview Withdrawal
If the preview summary looks good, click Initiate
Authorize with your YubiKey
Once authorized, your withdraw has been initiated, but still requires approvals
Authorized Approvers will be notified about pending approvals
Once approved through consensus, your transfer will process
A video call may be required as a security measure