Link your account and your Coinbase Wallet to transfer crypto between them. Senders will be charged a network fee.
Use your Coinbase Wallet to:
Transfer crypto between your Coinbase Wallet and Coinbase account.
Send and receive supported crypto to another Coinbase Wallet user.
Transfer crypto from your Coinbase account to your Coinbase Wallet
Open the Coinbase app on your mobile device.
From the Payments tab, select Send.
Choose the supported asset you want to transfer.
Tap the address with your email when prompted to enter the recipient address.
Enter the amount you want to transfer from your Coinbase account then tap Preview.
Make sure you’re transferring your funds through the correct network.
6. Review the transaction details, including fees, and select Send now.
Transfer crypto from Coinbase Wallet to your Coinbase account
Open Coinbase Wallet on your mobile device.
Tap Send.
Enter the amount you’d like to transfer.
Select the supported coin and tap Next.
Go to the Coinbase app and copy the wallet address of the asset.
Paste the address into the recipient field in Coinbase Wallet.
Follow the remaining steps to complete your transfer.
If you didn’t receive a verification code to complete the transfer, troubleshoot 2-step verification.
Note: To transfer manually without linking accounts, copy the crypto address from the destination account and paste it in the address field.