To reach Coinbase on social media, use only these official accounts.
X (formerly Twitter)
Company account: @Coinbase
Assets: @CoinbaseAssets
Australia: @coinbase_au
Card: @CoinbaseCard
Commerce: @CommerceCB
Coinbase Developer Platform: @CoinbaseDev
Exchange: @CoinbaseExch
Futures: @cbFutures
Germany: @CoinbaseDE
International Exchange: @CoinbaseIntExch
India: @CoinbaseIndia
Institutional: @CoinbaseInsto
Japan: @CoinbaseJapan
News: @CoinbaseNews
NFT: @Coinbase_NFT
Singapore: @CoinbaseSG
Support: @CoinbaseSupport
Traders: @coinbasetraders
United Kingdom: @coinbaseuk
Ventures: @cbventures
Wallet: @CoinbaseWallet
Wallet UK: @CBWalletUK
Chief Executive Officer Brian Armstrong: @brian_armstrong
President & Chief Operating Officer Emilie Choi: @emiliemc
Vice President of Product Max Branzburg: @maxbranzburg
Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal: @iampaulgrewal
Chief Policy Officer Faryar Shirzad: @faryarshirzad
Chief Security Officer Philip Martin: @securityguyphil
Note: Coinbase executives are not active on Facebook.
Note: The official Coinbase YouTube channel is not currently verified.
Coinbase has no official presence on Telegram.
Contact us
If you're suspicious about a reply claiming to be from Coinbase, contact Coinbase Support.
To report a suspected impersonation or scam account, contact Coinbase Security and include a link to the suspicious account.