Why does the Coinbase mobile app request special permissions?

To take full advantage of the Coinbase mobile app's features, it is necessary to grant the Coinbase app certain permissions on your Android or iOS device. Below you will find a complete list of what permissions are requested and why exactly we ask for such. Keep in mind that the majority of the app's functions do not require any permissions granted.


All Android permissions are prompted for approval when the app is installed from the playstore. Any new permissions we require would be requested when the app is updated in the store.

  • Identity - We use this to autofill your phone's default email address at the app login screen

  • Contacts - These are used to autofill email addresses when sending to or requesting from another email

  • SMS - This is for 2-step verification

  • Camera - The camera permission allows both the QR scanner to operate and allows for verification of a photo ID in account set-up

  • Wifi - We prioritize your wifi connections over mobile data connections

  • Device ID & Call Information - The device ID is used for push notifications and to hash certain device-specific sensitive data to be passed over your network connection


All iOS permissions are prompted for approval when in-app actions actually require them. Any new permissions we require would be requested when the new feature is used within the app. You can revoke granted permissions at any time by navigating to Settings > Coinbase within the iPhone/iPad.

  • Camera - The camera permission allows both the QR scanner to operate and allows for verification of a photo ID in account set up

  • Notifications - This permission allows push notifications, currently only used with the price alerts feature

  • Contacts - These are used to autofill email addresses when sending to or requesting from another email