Depending where your customer payments settle (, Coinbase Wallet, other third party wallets/exchanges), the refund experience will be slightly different. In general, refunds will need to be sent to your customer’s specified receiving address.
Note: We recommend refunding your customer in the same network used for payment in order to ensure they receive the refund correctly.
Refunding on
Select Send/Receive
Select Send toggle
Choose currency (we recommend refunding in your settlement currency)
Enter amount to be refunded
Enter customer Ethereum address
Note: If your customer paid with their account, you can also refund their provided email address or phone number as an alternative to their specified receiving address.
Refunding on Coinbase Wallet
Open Coinbase Wallet
Select Send
Choose currency (we recommend refunding in your settlement currency)
Enter amount to be refunded
Enter customer Ethereum address
Note: Refunds from self-custody wallets like Coinbase Wallet will require a sufficient balance of the respective network token for gas costs. For instance if you’re refunding USDC on Ethereum you will need a sufficient ETH balance to pay the gas costs.