When you use the open loan functionality via Web or API, you are initiating a loan open request. You will receive an email notification once the request has been initiated. You will receive another email notification once the loan open has completed (with funds delivered into your Exchange account) or failed.
There is no SLA on funding loan open requests, nor is there a guarantee that we can do the loan. While a loan open request is pending, your available credit will be deducted.
Additional Loan Terms
Minimum Notional Per Loan: $100K
Minimum Loan Term: 24 hours, no principal repayments allowed before then
Loan Open SLA: There is no SLA and no guarantee a loan request will be fulfilled; there is typically a max 2.5 hour period in which a loan open request can be pending, after which it may be rejected if it is unable to be fulfilled. If a loan open request remains pending for more than 30 minutes, please reach out to our team via your dedicated Telegram channel for more details.