You can restrict crypto withdrawals on Coinbase International Exchange to only go to addresses (external or Coinbase) already designated in your Address Book.
To add addresses to your Address Book:
Sign into Coinbase International Exchange
Click on the "Accounts" tab on the left navigation bar
Click on "Add Trusted Address" in the center of the screen, if no address book entries are made or click "Add Trusted Address" button on the top right of the screen
Select the asset, network, and enter the crypto address of the desired address to add. Also add a nickname and/or memo (both optional)
To remove addresses from your Address Book:
Sign into Coinbase International Exchange
Click on the "Accounts" tab on the left navigation bar
Click the "Delete" button located on the far-right side of the address row that you wish to delete
Activation Period
The 24-hour activation period for new addresses provides time for verification before the address can receive withdrawals.
When adding new address: 24-hour activation period exists
When removing an address: No activation period