
Governance on Coinbase Prime

Governance lets you vote on a protocol’s platform technology, strategy, updates and rules. Specific assets are supported for governance on Coinbase Prime.

You have the option of manual voting (voting directly on proposals) or delegate voting (delegating votes to a third party either on-chain or via snapshot). Submitting proposals is not currently supported on Coinbase Prime.

Delegate voting can be on-chain and off-chain, or both depending on what an asset issuer supports. 

  • Snapshot voting is an off-chain, gas-less voting system that clients can delegate their votes to for tokens that do not need their own governance systems.

  • For on-chain voting, some changes are made as soon as the voting is completed. Other changes may be delayed until they’re launch ready.

  • You can delegate all or some of your votes to another wallet. 

  • If you have multiple wallets, you can put all of your votes in one voting wallet. 

  • Your tokens aren’t transferred from your wallet. You give permission to use your votes.

Supported assets


Vote directly in
Coinbase Prime

Delegate vote











You must have one of the following roles within a portfolio to vote on protocol proposals: administrator or authorized signatory.

To vote directly on governance proposals on Coinbase Prime:

  1. Sign in to Coinbase Prime.

  2. Search for the asset.

  3. Click Governance.

  4. Next to the proposal, click For or Against.

You must have one of the following roles within a portfolio to vote on protocol proposals: administrator or authorized signatory.

To delegate your votes on chain:

  1. Sign in to Coinbase Prime

  2. Search for the asset

  3. Next to the voting wallet, click the three vertical dots, then click change delegation.

  4. Read the notice and click continue.

  5. Click delegate voting.

  6. Enter the wallet address.

  7. Click Delegate.

To stop delegating your votes on chain:

  1. Sign in to Coinbse Prime

  2. Search for the asset

  3. Next to the voting wallet, click the three vertical dots, then click change delegation.

  4. Enter the wallet address which is currently delegating votes.

  5. Click Delegate.

Using the Change Delegation feature and entering your own custody wallet address will grant the voting power back to the address and user themselves.