
Edit Consensus Security Settings on Coinbase Prime

Who can use this feature?

You must have one of the following roles to initiate changes to consensus settings within an entity or portfolio: Authorized signatory, Administrator, Full Trader, or Initiator.

You can customize consensus settings to help secure your account on Coinbase Prime under Settings > Security.

On this page, select Edit next to Entity Policy to set approval requirements needed to successfully process entity-level activities.

Or you can select Edit next to Portfolio Policy to set requirements to successfully process portfolio-level activities for the particular portfolio.

The existing consensus requirements must be met to process updates to the consensus security settings.

The ability to use a role on behalf of a portfolio or the entire entity depends on the Access Level the Team Member is assigned.

  • Entity-level users can use their permissions across every portfolio (current and future) in the entity and for activities that affect the entity itself.

  • Portfolio-level users can only use their permissions to action per each portfolio they have access to.

For more information regarding Access Levels, please visit this Help Center article: Access Levels on Coinbase Prime