Business onboarding

Coinbase Institutional Onboarding Requirements for LLC

Thank you for choosing Coinbase. We're excited to welcome you to the platform! 

Coinbase is committed to maintaining comprehensive and risk-based Customer Due Diligence policies and procedures. To this aim we require certain information and documentation to be submitted for review. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this process.

For your convenience, we’ve included a list of required documentation below. Please do note that during the application process, you may be required to provide additional documentation depending on your answers to certain questions. Our analysts may also reach out for further clarification and/or documentation following their initial review.

Required Documentation for Limited (LTD)/Limited Liability Company Onboarding

In the first section of the application, you may need to select your preferred Coinbase Contracting entity/entities. Entity selection related to the Trading Account will drive available fiat wallet and trading pair access, or other regulatory or jurisdictional factors (see full details). Entity selection related to the Custody Account will drive key generation and storage locations, local administrative support, or other regulatory or jurisdictional factors (see full details).

Additionally, you’ll be asked to upload one of the following forms of government-issued ID:

  • Passport (both photo and signature pages)

  • Passport Card (US and EU only)

  • EU National Identity Card

  • Identity Card (Singapore)

  • Driver’s License (both front and back; non-German accounts only) 

  • US Military IDs (only if if the address on the ID matches the address on the application)

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc, and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Name, Date of Birth, and Email of Compliance Officer

Only required if the applying entity has a designated Compliance Officer responsible for Anti-Money Laundering (AML).

As Applicable

As Applicable

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc, and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Articles of Incorporation

A legal document relating to the formation of an entity. This is generally issued by a local governmental agency.



For Germany, only the Handlesregister-auszug (Commercial Register Extract) is required

Shareholders/Members Registry/List

A record of the individuals who own the company and the details of the shares they hold. This document should include the following information: legal entity name, incorporation details for each shareholder: full name, number of shares, nominal value per share. Acceptable documents include: extracts from government registrars, Certificate of Incumbency, Articles or Constitution of the legal entity.



Directors Register

A Directors Register is a list of the directors elected by the shareholders of the company. Please provide a record of the active directors of your entity. You should ensure that the directors register includes the following information: legal entity name, incorporation details (country/state of incorporation and registration number or similar), start date of the director and their position. Acceptable forms of documentation include: extracts from government registrars, certificate of incumbency, articles or the constitution of the entity.



For Germany, the list of Directors is contained in Handlesregister (Commercial Register Extract)

Source of Funds Documentation (Dated within the last 3 months)

This document shows how the applying entity is initially funding the Coinbase account. This can include a bank, brokerage, or crypto statement that is dated within the last 3 months. Other alternative documents can be capital commitment letters, subscription agreement, statement of Partner’s capital and management attestation of assets and liabilities. Note: Regulated financial institutions and publicly traded companies may be exempt from this requirement.



(If Applicable) Proof of Regulatory License or Registered Exemption

Proof of Regulatory Status: This can be a copy of your valid regulatory license, a screenshot showing you are in good standing with your regulator, or similar documentation.

Proof of Registered Exemption: This is a copy of your regulatory exemption, if applicable. Example includes SEC Reg D (Form D) for offering securities without registration under the Securities Act.

As Applicable

As Applicable

Tax Document (W8 or W9)


Required for Coinbase Singapore only

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc. and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Identification of the Authorized Applicant

This is a person who is authorized to complete and submit the application on behalf of the applying entity.

ID Required

ID Required

Identification of all Control Persons

Control Persons are individuals with significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct affairs of the company/entity, such as a CEO, President, Head of Treasury, General Partner, or any other individual who regularly performs similar functions.

ID Required

ID and Proof of Address Required

Identification of all Beneficial Owners

ID Required

ID and Proof of Address Required

Identification of all other Directors (Full name, DOB, Country)

Directors are individuals who are appointed or elected to sit on a board that is responsible for managing the affairs of the company/entity, commonly referred to as "Board of Directors."  A Director may be either an "Insider Director" (an employee, officer, or major shareholder) or an "Outside Director" (a non-employee with little or no direct interest in the company/entity).



Identification of Authorized Representatives

Individuals who have a high level of influence within the company/entity and are able to make decisions on behalf of the company/entity, such as senior management, directors, or shareholders. This individual is listed in the application and is authorized to enter into contractual agreement on behalf of the entity.

ID Required

ID Required

Authorized Representative List (See Template in Appendix A)

This authorizes individuals to act on behalf of the company in relation to the Coinbase account and must be signed by a Control Person.



Additional Required Documentation – International

The documentation below is only required if you're onboarding to Coinbase International.

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc. and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Memorandum and/or Articles of Association

Articles of Association is a document that includes the responsibilities and/or powers of controlling parties and describes how the entity makes major decisions.

Memorandum of Association is a legal document in the formation and registration process. It generally discusses the formation of an entity.


Required (not applicable for Germany)

Proof of Trading Address Document (Only required if the bank statement doesn't have an entity address; must be dated within the last 3 months)

Please submit a copy of your trading address where business correspondence can be received. You may submit a copy of your bank statement, phone or utility bill, tax document, or a copy of the lease. These documents must be dated within the last 3 months, include the entity’s legal name, show the operating address and be on the letterhead of the service provider.



Commercial Register (Germany only)

Please provide an extract from the Commercial Register Extract / ​​Handelsregister.


Required for Coinbase Germany only

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc, and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Proof of Address for Beneficial Owners


Required for Coinbase Germany only

Beneficial Owners Source of Wealth Documentation

Possible Source of Wealth documentation could include bank statements, brokerage statements, and commitment letters.

As Applicable

As Applicable

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc. and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Post-Identification Verification for

- Applicant

- Control Persons

- Authorized Representatives

Our team will reach out for you to complete Post-Identification, an identification requirement for all German clients.


Required for Coinbase Germany only

Additional Required Documentation – Others

Please review this section to see if any of these documents apply to your business entity.

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc. and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Mining Operations Document

Required if the entity’s Business Type is "Crypto Miner/Mining Pool" or "Mining Hardware" and selects one of these business types in the application.

As Applicable

As Applicable

Documentation from Court or Regulatory Authority Concerning the Receivership/Monitorship

Required if the entity is in Receivership or Monitorship.

If the entity is in Receivership, please provide a copy of the court document detailing the parameters of the Receivership.

If the entity is subject to Monitorship, please provide the documentation detailing the parameters of the Monitorship.

As Applicable

As Applicable

Ownership structure

Required if the entity is owned by another entity.

A document that shows what individuals (or entities) have an ownership stake in the entity, with their ownership percentage. Note: This can take different forms, like a pie chart, org chart, or even a table with the required information.

As Applicable

As Applicable

(If Applicable) Certificate of Incumbency

Must be dated within the last 6 months. If Certificate of Incumbency is not available, please request a Certificate of Good Standing.

A Certificate of Incumbency is an official document that lists the names of its current directors or officers. It is used to identify individuals who are authorized to enter into legally binding agreements or transactions. 

A Certificate of Good Standing certifies that a company is properly registered with the state, is up to date on all state registration fees and required document filings, and is legally permitted to engage in business activities in the state. In some states, it is called the Certificate of Status or Certificate of Existence. A Certificate of Good Standing typically has an expiration date (when the registration is due to be renewed, or when periodic documents or registration fees are due).

Note: A Certificate of Incumbency/Good Standing is required for an entity operating or incorporated in the following jurisdictions: American Samoa, British Virgin Islands, Maldives, Saint Lucia, Anguilla, Cabo Verde, Marshall Islands, Saint Martin, Antigua and Barbuda, Cayman Islands, Mauritius, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Aruba, Cook Islands, Mongolia, Seychelles, Bahamas, Curacao, Montserrat, Sint Marteen, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Morocco, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Dutch Antillies, Namibia, Turks and Caicos, Bermuda, Grenada, Panama, US Virgin Islands, Botswana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Vanuatu

As Applicable

As Applicable

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc. and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Attestation Letter

If your applying entity’s Industry Type is Financial Services, our team will reach out for you to provide an AML attestation letter or AML comfort letter from the entity’s AML service provider/fund administrator.

As Applicable

As Applicable

Additional Required Information - Authorized User Roles and Permissions

If you're applying for the Prime or Custody product, you'll need to fill out the following information in the application:

Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc. and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Add Authorized Users and Assign Roles

Authorized Users are individuals who will need access to the product; their assigned roles determine their level of access. View Prime roles here and Custody roles here.



Identification, Date of Birth, and Residential Address of Authorized Users



Yubikey Information

Each Authorized User needs their own Yubikey to log in. If Authorized Users request a Yubikey in the application, they need to select a Yubikey Type and enter a shipping address and phone number.



Video Call Approval

For security purposes, certain actions require a video call for Coinbase to process the change, and only Authorized Users who select “Yes” to “Can approve video calls” in the application can appear on the call.



Required to sign off on Authorized Users Updates

If users need to be added, removed, or modified, the updates must be signed off by Authorized Users who selected “Yes” to “Required to sign off on Authorized Users Updates” in the application.



Required Documentation

Coinbase Inc. and Trust Co.

Coinbase International

Authorized Users List (AUL)

Our team will reach out for you to review and sign the AUL, which contains the Authorized-User information provided during onboarding. You can also add more Authorized Users who were not entered in the application at this time.



Appendix A: Authorized Representatives List Template

Part of our responsibility to our clients is to ensure that accounts are being opened by the appropriate person. The Authorized Representatives List requires sign-off from a control person and contains the names of the people authorized to act on the behalf of the entity, as well as the individual who has authority to apply for a Coinbase account on behalf of your entity. Some of this information has already been provided, but we require a single document stating which individuals have express permission from a control person to act on behalf of the company. Download a PDF of the instructions and template here

Following are the different roles that need to be listed on the form. Please note that each person’s job title/position must be included on the form and a color copy of their government-issued photo ID must be included (if not already provided during the application process). 

  • Control Person: This person has significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct affairs of the company/entity, such as a CEO, President, Head of Treasury, General Partner, or any other individual who regularly performs similar functions. Note: This person is required to sign and date the Authorized Representatives List.

  • Authorized Applicant: This person has been authorized to open an account on behalf of the company/entity and will sign the Coinbase contract and user agreement. 

  • Authorized Representative(s): This includes individuals who have a high level of influence within the company/entity and are able to make decisions on behalf of the company/entity, such as senior management, directors, or shareholders. This individual is listed in the application and is authorized to enter into contractual agreement on behalf of the entity. 

The following are acceptable forms of government-issued photo IDs:

  • Passport (both photo and signature pages)

  • Passport Card (US and EU only)

  • EU National Identity Card

  • Identity Card (Singapore)

  • Driver’s License (both front and back; non-German accounts only) 

  • US Military IDs (only if if the address on the ID matches the address on the application)

Authorized Representatives List 

Legal Entity Name:To: Coinbase

I, ______________________________ (Insert Control Person’s Name, job title), attest to ______________________________ (Insert Authorized Applicant’s name, job title) as having the ability to sign and enter into account opening agreements on behalf of ______________________________ (Insert entity name) with Coinbase. If not already provided during the application process, please find attached a color copy of their government issued photo ID.

I,  ______________________________ (Insert Control Person’s Name, Job title), attest that the individuals listed below are Authorized Representatives of  ______________________________ (Insert entity name) and are authorized to enter into agreements on behalf of  ______________________________ (Insert entity name).  If not already provided during the application process, please find attached a color copy of their government issued photo ID.

Authorized Representatives Table



Thank you,

_____________________________________Signature of Control Person

_____________________________________Print Name of Control Person 

_____________________________________Control Person’s Title/Role in Company
