Funds in your perpetuals portfolio

To buy, sell, and carry perpetual futures contracts, you must reside in an eligible, non-US region. 

Your Perpetuals portfolio is the balance used for perpetual futures trading and you need USDC, BTC, or ETH funds (collateral) in your balance to fulfill margin requirements. In order to fund your Perpetuals portfolio, you need to transfer it from your Default portfolio first. 

Buy margin (as accepted collateral)

To buy USDC:

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Select avatar and choose Advanced.

  3. Select Deposit from the navigation bar.

  4. Select Deposit USDC.

  5. Input the amount of USDC along with the Payment Method of your choice.

To buy BTC or ETH (as accepted collateral):

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Select avatar and choose Advanced.

  3. Open the market selector and go to a BTC or ETH market.

  4. Enter the amount of BTC or ETH you want to buy.

Transfer margin (as accepted collateral) 

To fund your perpetuals portfolio with margin:

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Select avatar and choose Advanced.

  3. Go to any perpetual futures market of your choice.

  4. Select Transfer funds from the navigation bar. 

  5. Select the margin currency you want to transfer.

  6. Enter the amount to transfer from your Default portfolio to your Perpetuals portfolio.

Withdraw margin

You can withdraw your margin by transferring it back to your Default portfolio. From there, you can cash out or send the funds off-platform.


Transfers will complete instantly.

No fees will be charged on a transfer between portfolios.

There are no maximum or minimum transfer amounts.

You may be unable to transfer your entire balance because of funds being held. Funds can be held for many reasons including open orders, margin requirements, deposit holds, etc.

Isolated margin positions only support USDC as collateral.

You can only withdraw excess margin. That is, margin above the initial margin requirement. If you want to withdraw everything, you’ll need to close the position first, then withdraw.

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