
Connecting with Customers Bank Instant Token (CBIT)

Overview on CBIT

Customers Bank Instant Token (CBIT) is a 24x7 transaction service operated by Customers Bank. Institutional clients with CBIT accounts are able to deposit and withdraw USD to and from their Coinbase Exchange accounts. Transfers are instant and there are no fees charged by Coinbase.

Enabling CBIT

CBIT is available to users upon request. You will not be able to use the network on Coinbase Exchange until we have set up the connection. To be eligible, you must have established a CBIT account at Customer’s bank.

Please email Coinbase Exchange support and provide the following information:

  1. CBIT bank account name

  2. CBIT wallet address.

We will establish the connection and send the following information required for deposits to Coinbase. Please save this information.

  1. Coinbase CBIT wallet address

  2. Account reference code - This unique code will be used to route funds directly to your Coinbase Exchange account

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