You can customize transfer approval policies to help secure your account on Coinbase Prime under Settings > Security > Transfers (for each perspective portfolio). Expand each section below to learn more about the transfer types and conditions.
Vault withdrawals - movement of funds from your vault to other Prime entities/investment vehicles or external destinations
Trading balance withdrawals - movement of funds from your trading balance to other Prime entities/investment vehicles or external destinations
Vault internal transfer - movement of funds from your vault within the same Prime entity/investment vehicle. .
Trading balance internal transfer - movement of funds from your trading balance within the same Prime entity/investment vehicle.
You can customize the following conditions by transfer type:
Destination - Set destination-specific approval processes for internal transfers to a trading balance and/or vault. You can customize this condition for all transfer types except vault and trading balance withdrawals.
Transfer size - Set approval processes by transfer size. You can customize this condition for all transfer types. Multiple transfer size thresholds can be set for each transfer type. Each threshold will have unique conditions for general approvals, time requirements, and video approvals. You’ll choose from the following thresholds: $10K, $100K, $500K, $1M, $2.5M, $5M, $7.5M, $10M, $50M, $100M.
General approval requirements - Set the quantity of approvals required by transfer type. You can customize this condition for all transfer types.
Time requirements - Set the time frame approvers have to achieve consensus prior to the action expiring by transfer type. You can customize this condition for all transfer types. Choose between 24, 48, and 72 hours.
Video approvals - You can choose the quantity of video approvals required by transfer type. You can customize this condition for all transfer types except for trading balance withdrawals.
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