Your crypto addresses

You can use your crypto address to receive crypto or find your transaction hash ID on a block explorer. 

Note: You may have multiple addresses associated with a single crypto asset. Use any of these addresses, as long as it’s the correct address type for the crypto you want to use.

Web browser

  1. Sign in to your Coinbase account.

  2. Select the asset you want to receive, then select Receive crypto.

  3. If applicable, select the network you want to use for the transaction.

  4. The QR code and crypto address will populate. 

    • To copy the address to your clipboard, select the copy icon. You can also sign a message with the address.

    • The QR code can be scanned or embedded in your website.

Historical addresses

To see your historical addresses:

  1. Sign in to your Coinbase account.

  2. Go to Crypto addresses.

  3. You'll see a list of your crypto addresses. To filter for a specific crypto, select it from the Tradable assets dropdown.

  4. From the Actions column, you can display the QR code or copy the address.

Mobile app

  1. From the home screen, select Transfer, then Receive crypto.

  2. Select the asset you want to receive. 

  3. If applicable, select the network you want to use for the transaction.

  4. The QR code and address will populate. 

    • The QR code can be scanned or embedded in your website.

    • Select the copy icon to copy the address to your clipboard. You can also sign a message with the address.