Coinbase International Exchange offers two margin modes for determining margin requirements; Custom Margin Override Mode and Auto Margin Mode.
Custom Margin Override Mode
Allows users to set a portfolio-wide margin percentage for all positions
Poses problems on some contracts that require a higher margin
If you exceed limits on position that requires a 50% margin, to continue trading you must set your margin override to 50% for your entire portfolio, including BTC-PERP and ETH-PERP that normally require 20%
May see position limit rejects due to calculation changes for higher leverage position limits
Please see here for a full list of position limits trading above Default Initial Margin
Auto Margin Mode
This mode automatically calculates individual margin requirements for each contract based on risk profile
For example, it sets Default Initial Margins (DIM) of 20% for BTC-PERP and 50% for INJ-PERP
Please see here for a full list of Default Initial Margin requirements per contract
This mode is set on a per portfolio basis. To opt into this mode please use the following API Call:
Toggling auto margin mode will be subject to the following constraints:
The target portfolio must have sufficient funds to meet the newly calculated margin requirements
Leverage utilization, open notional, and position size high leverage risk checks must be satisfied under the newly calculated margin requirements
Please note that enabling this mode could increase your Initial Margin Requirements for some portfolios