Coinbase International Exchange

Margin Modes

Coinbase International Exchange offers two margin modes for determining margin requirements; Custom Margin Override Mode and Auto Margin Mode. 

  • Custom Margin Override Mode 

    • Allows users to set a portfolio-wide margin percentage for all positions

    • Poses problems on some contracts that require a higher margin

      • If you exceed limits on position that requires a 50% margin, to continue trading you must set your margin override to 50% for your entire portfolio, including BTC-PERP and ETH-PERP that normally require 20%

    • May see position limit rejects due to calculation changes for higher leverage position limits

    • Please see here for a full list of position limits trading above Default Initial Margin

  • Auto Margin Mode

    • This mode automatically calculates individual margin requirements for each contract based on risk profile

      • For example, it sets Default Initial Margins (DIM) of 20% for BTC-PERP and 50% for INJ-PERP

      • Please see here for a full list of Default Initial Margin requirements per contract

    • This mode is set on a per portfolio basis. To opt into this mode please use the following API Call:

      • /api/v1/portfolios/{portfolio-uuid}/auto-margin-enabled

      • Toggling auto margin mode will be subject to the following constraints:

        • The target portfolio must have sufficient funds to meet the newly calculated margin requirements

        • Leverage utilization, open notional, and position size high leverage risk checks must be satisfied under the newly calculated margin requirements

      • Please note that enabling this mode could increase your Initial Margin Requirements for some portfolios