
Reverse allocated trades on Coinbase Prime

Who can use this feature?

Trade allocation is available to select clients on Coinbase Prime. Contact your Account Manager or the Prime Operations team to gain access. Additionally, you must have one of the following roles in all portfolios involved to perform trade allocations: Full trader, admin, authorized signatory, or initiator.

You can reverse an allocated trade on Coinbase Prime from the source portfolio within 24 hours after it’s completed. Keep in mind that allocated trades:

  • Are reversed at the same average price of the initial allocation. 

  • Can’t be reversed if each portfolio involved doesn’t have adequate funding. 

  • Can only be reversed for the entire amount, partial amounts can’t be reversed. 

To reverse allocated trades:

  1. Sign in to Coinbase Prime.

  2. Click the Activity tab on the left side of the page.

  3. Click Activities.

  4. Search for and select the allocation you’d like to reverse.

  5. Click Reverse Allocation.

  6. Select Reverse Allocation.

You can view the reversed allocated trades in your account history under the Activities tab. It’ll also be reflected in your  account statements and activity reports. Additionally, you can reallocate the trades. Reallocation must occur within 72 hours of completing trade.