Earn rewards by staking

Staking lets you earn crypto rewards while supporting blockchain security. You retain full ownership of your crypto and can unstake it at any time.

You can stake from the asset balance in your Coinbase account.

Accept User Terms

• You may be required to accept User Terms specific to the asset you’d like to stake

Coinbase commission

• Coinbase receives a commission on staked rewards

• Your return rate reflects the commission and the actual amount of crypto you staked

Ownership of staked crypto

• You retain full ownership of your staked crypto at all times

Rewards balance

• Coinbase does not guarantee that you’ll receive staking rewards 

• All staking rewards are credited to your staking balance and appear as a transaction

• Each reward appears as a line item in your transaction history

Rewards payout

• Coinbase forwards rewards received from the blockchain, minus a transparent commission

• Reward payouts depend on the specific asset

Rewards value

• Determined by the protocol (such as Solana and Ethereum)

• Proportional to how much you have staked

• Can change over time due to network factors (including total amount staked to the network and/or total number of validators) and inflation and savings rates set by the network


• Staked assets can't be traded or transferred until the unstaking process completes

• The unstaking process can take a few hours to a few weeks to complete

• Staked assets may be at risk from validator or protocol failure

• Coinbase may unstake your assets if your eligibility status changes

• Protocol lockup periods may delay unstaking your assets

• See Staking risks for more information

Waiting periods

• Coinbase follows protocol-imposed waiting periods for earning rewards and unstaking

• Some assets have a staking wait time before you start earning rewards

• After the initial waiting period, you can unstake assets anytime but they can't be transferred or sold until the unstaking wait time is complete

• Unstaking wait times include the protocol's wait time plus Coinbase's processing time

• Some assets earn rewards during the unstaking wait time


• US customers who are subject to US tax reporting are required to report their earnings from staking rewards 

• If you earn over $600 in staking rewards, Coinbase will issue a 1099-MISC

Eligible assets

Any assets that are eligible to earn staking rewards will earn in your staking balance.

Reward values differ according to the assets you have staked. To view the individual values associated with each asset, navigate to the My Assets tab or Asset Details page within the Coinbase web or mobile app.


Minimum Balance Needed

Earning Wait Time (Approximate)

Rewards Payout Frequency*

Unstaking Wait Time (Approximate)

Earns Rewards While Unstaking?

Cosmos (ATOM)

0.0001 ATOM

No wait

Every 7 days

~25 days


Ethereum (ETH)

No minimum balance


Every 3 days

~13 days

Yes (Rewards earned for part of the unstaking period)

Tezos (XTZ)

0.0001 XTZ

24 days

Every 3 days

~2 days


Cardano (ADA)

$1 worth of ADA

18 days

Every 5 days

~2 days


Solana (SOL)

$1 worth of SOL

1 day

Every 5 days

~5 days

Yes (Rewards earned for the entire unstaking period)

Polkadot (DOT)

No minimum balance

2 days

Every 1 day

~30 days



No minimum balance

No wait

Every 5 days

~8 days


Avalanche (AVAX)

No minimum balance

No wait

Initial payout in 16-20 days, then every 4 days

~9 days

Yes (Rewards earned for the entire unstaking period)

* Initial payout may take up to 25 days (from the time earning begins). Subsequent payouts will be at the specified frequency.

Staking APY

  • The staking APY displayed on the Coinbase platform reflects the recent payouts received from the relevant protocol, less Coinbase’s commission

  • To calculate the staking APY:

    • Coinbase uses on-chain data to calculate the total rewards earned 

    • This total amount earned is then divided by the total amount staked for that asset and the number of days in the payout period to determine an annual percentage rate (APR) (after accounting for Coinbase's commission) 

    • Coinbase then averages these APRs over a recent time period -- looking back 7 days for ETH, 30 days for DOT, MATIC, and SOL, and 60 days for ADA, ATOM, and XTZ

    • Finally, this APR is converted into an annual percentage yield (APY), using the standard accounting formula: APY = (1 + APR/n )^n - 1 where n is the average number of funding periods per year for the relevant asset/protocol

  • ‘Boosted’ rewards for Coinbase One subscribers are achieved through reducing the commission that Coinbase takes from the relevant protocol payout

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Start staking today and earn rewards

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 Start staking today and earn rewards