
Kusama (KSM) staking guide on Coinbase Prime

  • Validator types that you can use to stake asset on Coinbase Prime:

    • Coinbase Developer Platform public validator: No

    • Coinbase Developer Platform dedicated validator: No

    • Third party validators: Yes

  • Ability to stake to multiple validator addresses: No

  • Ability to change validator without unbonding and restaking: No

Related articles

  • Staking maximum: None

*Third-party website provided for information only. Coinbase hasn't verified and doesn't guarantee the accuracy of information, including minimum requirements, staking maximums, and reward rates, provided on

Related article:

Staking minimums and maximum

  • Estimated reward payout: Every six hours

  • Delegator reward compound: Automatic

*Third-party website provided for information only. Coinbase hasn't verified and doesn't guarantee the accuracy of information, including minimum requirements, staking maximums, and reward rates, provided on

Related article:

Staking rewards 

  • Unbonding period: 7 days

Related article:

Staking unbonding periods 

Ability to stake when using the following entity:

  • Coinbase Custody Trust Company, LLC: No

  • Coinbase Custody International, Ltd.: Yes

  • Coinbase Germany GmBH: Yes

Related article:

Staking availability by Coinbase Prime entities

  • Ability to unstake assets: Yes

  • Ability to change staking amounts: No

  • Ability to add new principal funds to a staked wallet: Yes, but funds can't be staked to the wallet unless you unstake the staked balance and then restake the new balance. You won’t generate rewards when you unstake assets due to the unbonding period. You can create a new wallet to stake new funds instead of adding them to an existing staked wallet to continue generating rewards.

  • Partial amounts allowed: No

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Fees charged when using the following validator types:

  • Coinbase Custody public validator: Not applicable - unable to delegate to validator type

  • Coinbase Developer Platform public validator: Not applicable

  • Coinbase Developer Platform dedicated validator: Subscription, participatory, and service fee vary. Reach out to your Account Manager or Prime Operations team for more information

Related article:

Staking pricing and fees

  • Consensus requirements: General consensus approvals required for all staking activities

Related article:

Consensus settings on Coinbase Prime

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