
Unstake and withdraw assets on Coinbase Prime

Who can use this feature?

You must have one of the following roles to complete the steps outlined in this article: Administrator, Initiator, Authorized Signatory, or Full Trader.

You can remove your staked balance from earning rewards on Coinbase Prime. See the asset specific articles below for unstaking availability.

To unstake an asset:

  1. Sign in to Coinbase Prime.

  2. From the portfolio tab, search for the asset.

  3. Click the asset to open the asset page. 

  4. Under Vault Balance, click the … ellipses icon next to the wallet you’d like to use.

  5. Select Unstake.

  6. After reviewing the information in the pop-up window, click Unstake.

  7. Verify your identity with YubiKey.

  8. This action requires additional consensus approvals. 

  9. After consensus is reached, each asset is subject to an unbonding period. You can withdraw the asset after it’s unbonded.

    • Unbonded assets need to be included in a batch before they can be withdrawn. This means you’ll have to wait until the unbonding transaction is included in one of our batch times. Batch times are as follows:

      • US clients: Monday - Friday, 12:00 am, 4:00 am, 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 8:00 pm PST, and Saturday-Sunday, 2:00 pm PST

      • Non-US clients: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm GMT, and Saturday-Sunday, 4:00 pm GMT

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